小叮当是只机器猫。它的体重 129.3 公斤,身高 129.3 公分。制造于2112年9月13日(12/9/3)。 有件事很少人知道:其实它原来的颜色是黄色的,而且还有耳朵。可是有一天,当他在睡觉时,耳朵却被老鼠咬掉了!天啊,好悲惨的过去!
还可以飞…… 怎样?很酷吧!
超可爱的对吗?我没有乱花钱吧…… 好啦,好啦,久久奢侈一次嘛。
Hello PY,
Your Doraemon collection is very cute! You must be very happy to have them. Your "Little Professor" has grown much taller and she seems to be enjoying your prized collection very much!...As to your questions, the little girl's Chinese character should be "Jin4 Xiang1" according to the Japanese version ("Shizuka").
Xu Yun
i love your doraemon collections!! so kawaii!!!!! where did you get those? tell me tell me, i wanna lay my hands on doraemon too!
da sao, how much is the doraemon?
can help me buy one set?
hehe,i know u will help me to buy thanks lor...
Your little professor is very cute and beautiful. Nowadays, it's really not easy to capture them in camera.
Your Doraemon story is very interesting, and the toys are cute too!
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