



当时我穿了时下流行的高腰连身裙。再次证明真的不能盲目追求潮流。 我低头望着鼓起来的小腹,真的有点象怀孕四个多月。回过神来,我开始自我安慰。很多男人其实对时下留行的事物很不敏感。这同一群人也应该会纳闷为什么最近出现那么多“孕妇”。孤陋寡闻。不要怪他,不要怪他。。。


小博士已经九个月了。当初我只给了自己六个月的时间减肥。我买了一架六百多块的运动机、每天早上六点爬起床、边看CNA边朝着49公斤体重的目标前进。。。直到我达到50公斤(我家那骗人的秤是那么显示的…), 我开始松懈下来。况且圣诞节哩,我的胃也得过节的啊。

还好,不只我一个人沮丧。没见老曾几个月的朋友都惊讶老曾胖了那么多。我怀孕时肚子一天天的大, 老曾的肚子也不甘示弱一天天的膨胀。他也许忘了,小博士出世后,我的肚子可是会缩小的,他的嘛。。。仍维持在怀孕五个月的状态。






买了一件超性感的 tubedress 和一双超流行的金色高跟鞋、脚指甲图上了“不很明显却令我信心大增”的粉红奶色(哦。。。就是有点粉红,又有点奶色,明白吗?)、头发染了、眉毛修了。。。我想只剩下一条能够搭配我那超性感裙子和超有形高跟鞋的项链。于是,作晚我便冒着倾盆大雨到了乌节路。





Mummy's Corner - Ouch!

Qi has been crawling, standing, climbing and inevitably, falling. She is definitely a sportswoman in the making. Exactly like her father, she simply cannot get her butt on the seat for more than 5 minutes. I wonder if that means I have to give up on the idea of her being a violinist or a pianist.

Anyhow, a couple of days ago, while fidgetting in front of the coffee table, she fell and knocked her head on the side of the table. Ouch! It must have been a pretty hard knock because there was an apparent "dent" on top of her right brow.
I am not exaggerating...it really was a "dent". Can see or not?
Cannot see meh, but this is enough to scare the hell out of me. I tried, in vain, to pacify her as she bawled. I have to confess that I am guilty for not holding on to her tightly before her fall. I wanted to let her move around on her own. To "train" her to be independent.

Thank goodness, the "dent" disappeared shortly after. I was later told that it is common for babies to be involved with minor accidents like this as they gain mobility; no cause for alarm but I saw an urgent need to childproof the house.

So hours after the drama, I shifted the coffee table to the corner of the living room, leaving a large space between the TV console and the sofa for Qi to do all her yoga and gymnastics. It's definitely better to be safe than sorry.


Universal Studios Is Coming To Town!

Yeah! Universal Studios will be here soon! This is oh so exciting! I wonder if we will have the Jurassic ride, the ET ride, the Back To The Future ride and ooo...my favourite tram ride!! If they complete the project by 2015...Qi will be 9 years old by then. Just the right time for all those rides! And, I can even save on the air tickets to LA because Universal Studios SINGAPORE will be larger than Universal Studios Hollywood! (Er...not I say one, the newspaper say one. Give them the benefit of the doubt, can?)

I have always been enticed by a Universal Studios in Singapore. I mean Kerzner-CapitaLand's proposal of a water theme park is nothing new to Singapore and "dramatic glass structures" sounds very greenhouse loh.

As for the Eighth Wonder...alright, alright, to be fair, not that the proposals by both Kerzner and Eighth Wonder are, or rather, were not exciting. But some of the attractions like a 10-storey high waterfall, a man made volcano et cetera et cetera are rather vague ideas. People who have been to Universal Studios would not need much imagination, they have personally experienced world class entertainment.

ANYhow, Universal Studios is coming to town!



Mummy's Corner - Teats Teats Teats

Baby bottles should be designed like AVENT bottles. No nonsense, wide neck, ergonomically designed. (Even though it is not economically priced) I mean, who needs cartoons on milk bottles? Haven't we been taught when we were young, not to play with our food...or the utensils? Besides, those cute pictures on milk bottles impress mummies more than babies.

Just like baby toys. They can be so facinating that I can spend hours at the infant section choosing one that can stimulate all the different senses of Qi and making sure my money is well-spent. I happily bring the carefully selected toy back home to Qi, only to discover she is more interested in the box or the tag that comes with it.

Oh...back to feeding bottles...as I was saying AVENT bottle are great! Sturdy and unlike other brands which look more like masak-masak, it is everything a milk bottle should be ... except Qi does not like it. In fact she refused to drink from it. I suspect it's the teats that are relatively harder than other brands of bottles. Hence I made an unreluctant switch to NUK.

This time round Qi adored her new NUK bottle with soft latex teats, and for me, I had an excuse to buy bottles with cartoons. Qi loved the soft teats so much that she spent an hour drinking her 120 ml of milk. And so much so that she frequently just fell asleep sucking on the teats.

It was really by chance, that I found out Qi is not a slow drinker at all.

She was very much misunderstood.

In fact, she could even finish her bottle of 180ml before I am done typing and uploading this post. What happened was, one fine day I tried to feed her water with a PIGEON milk bottle which I found lying around in her wardrobe. (Yes, my Qi has a wardrobe, not some mini chest of drawers nor a filmsy shelf hor) I was surprised she drank so fast from the PIGEON bottle. The very next day, I tried milk and viola! She finished her milk in 10 minutes.

Forget about anti-colic, I figure how much air can she sucked in in 10 minutes, right? I just burped her more often, burped her in between her feeds, after her feeds, as and when she is awake and I've got nothing better to do.


I really cannot understand why babies have so much 'wind' in their stomach! But nutmeg oil aka 如意油works wonders.

Anyhow, parenthood is really all about trial and errors. I have friends who swear by AVENT and NUK.

Heng, Qi prefers a cheaper brand.

Mummy's Corner -Baby refuses to eat?

真感动,虽然我的Blog不是一个Baby Blog,妈咪网友仍然把我的Blog 连接到她们的Blog。因此,我决定开设一个“妈咪角落”,好让进来流览的妈咪们可以阅读。网友说我很cheem,用中文写Blog。。。好啦。。。好啦。。。为了这群网上朋友,也为了展示我“精通双语”(chey!),英文板的“妈咪角落”诞生喽!小博士应该很开心,因为她将从“配角”摇身一变成为“主角”喔!

Recently, I have heard of some mummies around me getting vexed as their precious darlings drink very little milk or do not eat enough. There can be a hundred reasons why our precious darlings go on an unwanted diet, but from my own personal experience, the culprit is the teat of the bottle. - See next post.

Or it could simply be Kan Jeong...the parents lah, not the baby. Actually, I have discovered that it is unneccessary to follow the suggested amount stated on the tin can of the milk powder. It is almost always more than what my little Qi can drink. Sometimes, I suspect it is a conspiracy to make us finish up the powder faster so that we can buy a new can...and oh gosh...it's so expensive that I wish I had continued to breastfeed!

On not eating enough, I have seen mummies feeding babies table food. Snacking will naturally fill up babies' little stomachs, so how can babies finish their own food after that?

Having said that, not that I do not understand why parents get anxious when their kids are not eating enough. Because nothing beats watching Qi gulps down her food, finishes every drop of her milk and poo poo everyday.

It's funny how such mundane stuff becomes one's top priority after we progress to motherhood.