
Universal Studios Is Coming To Town!

Yeah! Universal Studios will be here soon! This is oh so exciting! I wonder if we will have the Jurassic ride, the ET ride, the Back To The Future ride and ooo...my favourite tram ride!! If they complete the project by 2015...Qi will be 9 years old by then. Just the right time for all those rides! And, I can even save on the air tickets to LA because Universal Studios SINGAPORE will be larger than Universal Studios Hollywood! (Er...not I say one, the newspaper say one. Give them the benefit of the doubt, can?)

I have always been enticed by a Universal Studios in Singapore. I mean Kerzner-CapitaLand's proposal of a water theme park is nothing new to Singapore and "dramatic glass structures" sounds very greenhouse loh.

As for the Eighth Wonder...alright, alright, to be fair, not that the proposals by both Kerzner and Eighth Wonder are, or rather, were not exciting. But some of the attractions like a 10-storey high waterfall, a man made volcano et cetera et cetera are rather vague ideas. People who have been to Universal Studios would not need much imagination, they have personally experienced world class entertainment.

ANYhow, Universal Studios is coming to town!


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